Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This One's for My Sister

So, my sister has been on me about updating my blog, but I haven't been as disciplined about keeping the blog updated as I had previously hoped. Let's see...the last post was in July? Good gosh. Anyhow, since my sister's birthday was December 14th, I decided that I would update my blog and use her as my theme. So, Stacy, this one's for you. Happy birthday (yes, I know this post is a little late in coming...), but you know...

Growing up with Stacy was an experience. She would probably say the same thing about growing up with me, except in more explicit terms. :) We didn't get along very well as children...or teenagers...and, at times, as young adults. We had trouble seeing eye-to-eye on things--most things, if not all things, that is. I was the oversensitive tattletale, and Stacy was the independent boss. If I had had my way when I was younger, I would have followed Stacy everywhere she went. That may have been okay if my sense of justice had been a little less intense (meaning if I had not gone back and told my parents anything that Stacy did that she should NOT have done). Therefore, Stacy was quick to set limits. Knocking before entering her room was one of the rules, and that did not guarantee me the right to enter. Also, she had a bedside table with a single drawer, and she was sure to tell me that I was NEVER allowed to open that drawer. To this day, I still wonder what was in that drawer. Hum...???? In other words, our relationship was tenuous at best.

However, there were some things we did together as children. For example, we were spanked together after physical fights. We even made Christmas lists for Santa using page references from the Sears and JCPenney catalogs, and Stacy made sure to edit my list by removing things that I "really didn't need". Oh, and we almost got kidnapped together, no kidding. I think that it is safe to say that even as adults, we both look back on that incident and wonder what if. Scary.

Now that we are both moms, we relate on a whole 'nother level. Becoming adults, as well as mothers, has brought us much closer together to a place where we are seeing each other in a different light. In fact, if someone were to ask me who my best girlfriend is, I would have to say my sister. Stacy is my go-to gal if I need advice. She is the one I instantly want to call if something really cute or funny happens. Without a doubt, Stacy is always there for me and would not think twice about giving me support. I hope that she knows that this unconditional support is available from me to her as well.

Happy 35th!

Love, Joanna

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Joy of Ice Cream Cones

Daniel is not a stranger to ice cream. His first taste of the sinful frozen treat was at a daycare birthday party shortly after turning one year old. Since then, Daniel has never turned down ice cream, but he has also never seemed to devour it with quite the gusto as he does nowadays. Perhaps it's just the influence of the hot weather, but as of late, he adores ice cream and has taken to requesting ice cream or cake (his other love) after every meal. Can you imagine the pressure on Joe and me now to keep both stocked in our home to maintain the happiness of the highly-volatile small person that lives with us???

Well, today, Joe and I decided that it was time for Daniel to try eating ice cream from an ice cream cone. Did I just say that Joe and me decided??? Actually, it was Daniel's idea, and in order to avoid a tantrum after an exhausting day, we gave in to his "request". I have to admit that he did fairly well handling the feat of eating ice cream from a cone without too much collateral damage. So, for your viewing pleasure, here are some shots of Daniel eating his first ice cream cone.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A New Direction

I have been MIA for a very long time. For that, I apologize. I have not forgotten the blog or you, the readers--actually, quite the opposite. I have been in thought about the direction in which I have wanted to take this recording of thoughts, feelings, and memories. Does this blog have a purpose? Do I want to persuade? Is my goal to inform? Is this merely a mode of entertainment? My answer to these questions is fairly simple: to everything, there is a season, and this blog will be a reflection of just that.

I also hope to encompass and represent within this blog a group of individuals who may feel marginalized from the lifestyles portrayed in other blogs. For nearly a year, I have looked for a blog that presents a kind of life similar to what I lead--perhaps a blog that chronicles the life of a mother working outside the home. I am one of those types of moms. I need work, although there are times that I hate to admit that. I tried the life of a stay-at-home mom for the first seven months of my son's life, and although I wouldn't change that time for anything, I missed the routine and structure of a workday schedule. My son goes to daycare, and he loves it. He's definitely an extrovert and is energized by being around lots of people during his daycare time. He thrives there. I'm so pleased that it's a good fit for him.

Maybe I'm looking for someone who will admit to not being on the cutting edge of environmentalism. I'm not the greenest individual on the planet. I recycle, but I also use disposable diapers and convenience items like plastic baggies without thinking twice. I don't buy all organic food. In fact, there are many grocery visits when I don't buy anything organically-grown at all. I don't know if global warming is a reality or not, and until I am a scientist that specializes in climate change (which isn't happening...ever), I will probably never really know. There are meals when my family eats on disposable plates. And, no, I will not turn down a styrofoam cup, although I do not actively seek them out, either.

Weight loss is a constant struggle in my life, and I enjoy uniting with others who are fighting the weight battle. I am a member of Weight Watchers, and I love it! The ladies and gentlemen who attend the meetings in my area are fantastic support, and they amaze me with how positive they remain despite the challenges to their efforts that tend to arise from time to time. Weight Watchers supports a healthy lifestyle focused around the Good Health Guidelines, but they also discourage depriving yourself of your favorite foods. Therefore, I eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and the necessary dairy products, but I also consume some processed foods which may or may not contain high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners. For me, this is what works. So, if you are looking for a blog about eating only whole foods, utilizing flaxseed and flaxseed oil in every recipe, avoiding anything artificial like it is the plague, or solely relying on organics for sustenance, this blog is probably not for you.

I'm also defined by conservative values. I believe in personal responsibility in all areas of life. I support fiscal conservatism. Government should represent all people but should exercise great restraint to avoid encroaching on the freedom of the people. I support government that recognizes the importance of all humanity, the essential family unit, morality, and the preservation of the United State Constitution.

Above all, I have sought a blog in which God is praised and lifted on high. God provides a marvelous light by which He illuminates the path I walk. Leaving behind the darkness and following His light and truth is what I believe I was created to do. I seek to praise him daily and to have a servant's heart by which to do His will.

As you may have already guessed, I have been unsuccessful in finding a blog that fits the above criteria. So, if you have been looking for a similar blog and share some or all of my perspectives, by all means, please keep reading. Even if you don't necessarily share my views, I still would be honored for you to become part of my readership.

Please check back for my next posting which will be a little more lighthearted and will include some updated pictures of my little man Daniel.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Welcome, March!

Can you believe that it is already March? I don't know if you agree, but in my opinion, this year has been flying by! I'm happy to know that the spring will begin soon so that not only will the weather be a bit warmer, but also so that our utility bill will once again return to a reasonable amount.

In the past week, my household has had a relatively quiet and uneventful week. On Monday, we had snow flurries on and off throughout the day, but none stuck on the ground, so it was business as usual for us. Daniel enjoyed seeing the snow as he entered and left daycare that day, holding his hands up in the air and saying, "SNOW! SNOW!" over and over again. That same day, I had my weekly Weight Watchers meeting and discovered I had only lost 0.4 pounds for the week. I wasn't extremely surprised considering that I had experienced a rough week at school and had been in a general funk, leading to emotional eating and less activity. I never went off plan, but I used more of my weekly flex points than I usually do, resulting in an almost-standstill in my weight. Joe held down the homefront that evening while I was at my meeting and even had supper on the table when I arrived home. Yep, that's right gals...I'm one lucky lady!

During the rest of the week, the weather improved from Monday's cold and wintry day to Friday's warm and sunny spring day. Some of the highlights of the week included an impromptu visit from Dr. Neilsen at school during my planning period, Wednesday night's bible study and lunch time date with my friend Julie, a successful afternoon tutorial on Thursday that reaffirmed my reason for continuing in teaching, and Friday's visit by the cable and internet guys to set up our new service so that we now have over 70 channels (as opposed to around 25 channels) for around the same amount that we have already been paying.

On Saturday, Joe and Daniel spent the morning exercising at the park while I enjoyed a lazy morning at home. That afternoon, I took Daniel on a playdate with me to see a friend of mine named Leigh Ann and her son Montgomery. The weather was so beautiful that we spent most of the time outside watching Montgomery and Daniel playing with bubbles. Afterward, Montgomery and Daniel decided to go inside to snack on grapes and juice and watch Thomas the Train while playing with Montgomery's train set. In the meantime, Joe did the weekly grocery shopping (yes, ladies, he is taken...sorry) so that we wouldn't have to spend Sunday doing errands. That evening after Daniel went to bed, we had a romantic supper together in which we dined on grilled chicken which Joe had prepared on the charcoal grill, okra, brown rice, and mixed veggies. It was awesome! With the evening breeze blowing through the open windows and the quiet of a house in which the resident toddler is sleeping, it was quite picturesque.

Finally, today, Daniel woke up and somehow knew that it was church day. He kept telling Joe inquisitively, "Church? Church?", and Joe reassured him that we would be going to church today. We actually spent church time with Daniel in the nursery since today was my turn for nursery on the rotation. I was so nervous because I haven't helped with the nursery since I was a teen back at Peace Presbyterian Church, but things went very smoothly. It was so interesting seeing Daniel interact with the other children. He really does an incredible job of playing with the others. His only downfall is that he is into saying, "Mine! Mine!" and we are having to teach him that he needs to share. This afternoon, Joe and Daniel went back to the park because Joe was anxious to see what Daniel thought of an Elmo kite that he bought Daniel yesterday at Walmart. I was extremely tired (I think that I am either getting over being sick or getting ready to be sick again...yuck), so I stayed behind at home and got a very-rare mid-afternoon nap. When they returned, Daniel also took a nap for two hours (woot-woot!), and we spent the rest of the afternoon outside in the backyard.

So, now, I sit writing my blog with a glass of sweet tea (sweetened with splenda...I'm being good!) contemplating the new things that this week will bring. I hope that the new week will bring lots of wonderful things your way! Please don't forget to keep Patrice, Matt, and baby Jonah in your prayers (http://patriceandmattwilliams.blogspot.com/).

Friday, February 27, 2009

A little "me" time

Yesterday was a very long day at school. By long, I mean that I started school at 7:30AM and didn't leave until almost 7:30PM. Of all the days that I report to school, those days when we have evening conferences are the absolute worst. Not only are they tiring days in the fact that I have to work for that long in one day, but they are also emotionally draining. Conferencing with parents is something I will probably never feel quite comfortable with...I never quite know what to say or how to say it. I get so wound up about saying just the right thing that when conferences have ended, my muscles feel as sore and as tight as if I just hit the gym after an extended absence.

However, the day following the evening conference day is quite glorious. It is always a little more relaxed since most of the conferencing has taken place during the previous evening, as I suppose most parents are working during the morning conferences the next day. Today was that kind of day. I had about three or four parents to stop by, but other than that foot traffic, I had the rest of the day at work to myself. My next door neighbors at school decided to cook a breakfast feast and invited me over to eat, so everyone in the Vocational Building across the bridge from the main building at school gathered in the classroom next door from my classroom and had a nice breakfast together. The menu was one fit for a king: scrambled eggs, grits with butter, sausage links, bacon, homemade biscuits, and homemade cheese biscuits. And of course, the conversation was lively. Ms. Raynor (the feisty lady who has quite a knack for cooking all the good Southern food) was quick-witted as ever, giving evil eyes and a disapproving words to everyone who salted her food (you don't mess with perfection).

Teachers were dismissed at 12:00 today since we stayed over hours last night, and right now, I am sitting in a quiet living room in front of a warm space heater anticipating a good nap before picking Daniel up from daycare. Today was a good day. Life is beautiful.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Time to start anew...

"Adapt, Improvise, and Overcome."

This quote from the movie Heartbreak Ridge has become my motto this year. January and February have offered me several opportunities to put this theory for success to work. For example, I have adapted my eating and activity to the guidelines set forth through the Weight Watchers program. I have improvised in the kitchen when preparing meals at home to curb having to make daily trips to the grocery store just to see more money fly out of our wallets and bank account. I have overcome many of my doubts and fears by placing my trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ knowing that my life will follow the plan that He has chosen for me.

None of this has been easy. The change in my eating and activity habits is something that is just now becoming more of a second-nature to me. There are days that I am tempted to just give in to a tired body and forgo working out. Some days, I have a sweet tooth that just refuses to let up despite my best attempts to convince myself that chocolate/cake/brownies do not represent the most responsible of food choices. I have also wrestled with the temptation of just taking the easy way out when dinner time comes around by buying food that we really don't need in order to get out of using what we have on-hand. And certainly, there have been days when I have questioned God's plan for me, especially quite recently when I lost (without explanation) what I considered to be a close friend.

But despite the hardships and obstacles that change brings, there is also an element of eager anticipation I feel when looking forward to what the future might hold in store for my family and me. With this post, I seek to renew my dedication to this blog in an effort to document life's twists and turns as they unfold. Thanks to my blogging audience for being patient with me during my extended absence from blogging. I am looking forward to sharing with you once again wherever life may take me.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Daniel turns two!

On Saturday, we celebrated Daniel's second birthday. It was a perfect celebration. The guests were all merry, the food and drinks were plentiful and tasty, and the birthday boy was well-rested and wide open. Daniel received so many gifts that will provide hours of toddler entertainment, of which Joe and me are very grateful :) Daniel also had a terrific time playing with his first cousin who has taken to calling Daniel various names such as "Little D", "Dear Little Daniel", and "Little Nugget" (well, I'm not too sure that Daniel's first cousin called him that last nickname, although I know it would have tickled my sister if he had).

Here are some pictures pre-party. Because of hosting responsibilities, I didn't get to take any pictures during the party. :( But my sister took some pictures with my Grandma's camera, so maybe I could get some copies (hint, hint, Grandma.)